Hormone treatment — and hormonal birth control — can be life changing for women. But, as with any medication, sometimes there are side effects (especially with medications designed for everyone rather than custom-made).

If you’re curious why “ovarian hormones” can affect mood, for example, a University of Michigan psychologist has the answer with a great explanation of how hormones like birth control affect so many other bodily functions, notably in the brain.

“Estrogen and progesterone have broad effects on neurons and cellular processes that have nothing to do with reproduction,” she explains. In fact, “Estrogen and progesterone also regulate the stress response — the body’s ‘fight-or-flight’ reaction.”

That’s why it’s so important to make sure the hormones you take, for whatever reason, are made for you and only you — the specific hormone, the dosage, and even the delivery need to take into account your entire medical profile.

And that’s why you should talk to your compounding pharmacist — someone who happens to be an expert in hormones, how they affect you, and even how to customize them to potentially reduce any negative effects. They’ll work with your physician to develop a treatment plan just for you, and then adjust it accordingly.

Pro tip: Want to learn a bit more about women’s hormones? Check out the Women’s Health section of Revelation Pharma’s blog.

Don’t be at the mercy of pre-packaged hormones — talk with your compounding pharmacist today!